LPG endermologie®

LPG, or Endermologie, is a cutting-edge non-invasive technology designed to stimulate cellular activity in the body. Through the use of mechanized rollers and suction, LPG treatments target various concerns such as cellulite, skin firmness, and localized fat deposits. This innovative approach promotes natural beauty by enhancing skin health and sculpting the body's contours without the need for surgery or invasive procedures.


  • £55

    Includes up to 3 areas. Please note: Additional areas will be charged at £2 per minute.

  • £250

    Includes up to 3 areas per session. Please note: Additional areas will be charged at £2 per minute.

  • £450

    Includes up to 3 areas per session. Please note: Additional areas will be charged at £2 per minute.

LPG endermologie®

Unveil the transformative power of LPG technology, a non-invasive approach to beauty that revitalizes your body from within. Explore the top benefits that redefine your contours, enhance skin vitality, and embrace a natural radiance.

  1. Cellulite Reduction and Smoother Skin:

    • LPG treatments target cellulite, promoting smoother skin texture by addressing uneven fat distribution and improving overall skin firmness.

  2. Localized Fat Reduction:

    • Experience effective and non-surgical fat reduction as LPG technology precisely targets localized fat deposits, helping sculpt the body's contours for a more refined appearance.

  3. Natural Collagen and Elastin Boost:

    • LPG stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, key proteins for skin elasticity. This natural boost enhances firmness, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a youthful complexion.

  4. Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage:

    • LPG's mechanized rollers and suction enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, supporting the body's natural detoxification processes and reducing fluid retention.

  5. Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation:

    • Embrace non-invasive skin rejuvenation with LPG, avoiding the need for surgery or invasive procedures. Achieve a refreshed and revitalized appearance through natural cellular stimulation.

Deserve Aesthetics Norwich LPG Machine


Deserve Aesthetics Norwich LPG Models

The best candidates for LPG are generally adults who:

  • Are at least 18 years of age or older (men and women)

  • Actively seeking a solution to combat cellulite, aiming for a smoother and more even skin texture through the natural stimulation provided by LPG.

  • Have specific areas of localized fat deposits looking for a non-surgical contouring solution to sculpt and refine their body's natural contours.

  • Are concerned about skin laxity and firmness, desiring a non-invasive approach to boost collagen and elastin production for improved skin tone and texture.

  • Prefer non-invasive methods for skin rejuvenation, appreciating the natural and holistic benefits that LPG technology offers without the need for surgery.

LPG endermologie®

LPG endermologie®

LPG endermologie® FAQ

  • LPG, or Endermologie, is a non-invasive technology that utilizes mechanized rollers and suction to stimulate cellular activity. It targets cellulite, localized fat deposits, and promotes skin rejuvenation by boosting collagen and elastin production.

  • For optimal and best results, it is recommended to do a 10 treatment course twice a week. After that, you can just come once per month for a maintenance treatment to enjoy your body.

  • Yes, LPG technology is versatile and effective for reducing cellulite on various body areas, including thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms.

  • Yes, LPG stimulates collagen and elastin production, leading to improved skin tightness and reduced wrinkles. It provides a non-invasive solution for enhancing overall skin tone.

  • LPG treatments are generally well-tolerated and not painful. During a session, you may feel a gentle suction and rolling sensation as the device works on the targeted areas.

  • Common side effects are mild and may include temporary redness or bruising. These effects typically subside shortly after the session.

  • The duration of each LPG session depends on the areas being treated but typically lasts around 30 minutes to an hour. There is minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume normal activities immediately.

  • While LPG is often used for body contouring, there are specific protocols for facial treatments as well. LPG Face Endermologie targets wrinkles, sagging skin, and overall facial rejuvenation.

  • Ideal candidates include individuals looking for non-invasive solutions for cellulite reduction, localized fat deposits, and overall skin rejuvenation. A consultation with a qualified practitioner helps determine suitability based on individual goals.

  • While LPG provides long-lasting results, periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended to address any new concerns and maintain the benefits achieved. Results are influenced by individual lifestyle factors.